Investigating the relationship between the lung microbiome and severe asthma
Clinical mycology
Understanding the role of the airway microbiome in the development of severe asthma with fungal sensitisation (SAFS) to help develop more targeted treatments.
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease which affects 5.4 million people in the UK. It’s a heterogenous condition and clinical presentation depends on a multitude of factors. Fungi are ubiquitous microorganisms in the environment, and we inhale thousands of fungal spores every day. In approximately 10% of asthmatics, these inhaled fungal spores exacerbate airway inflammation and worsen respiratory symptoms.
However, the way in which airway immune cells respond to inhaled fungal spores isn’t well defined. The influence of bacterial and fungal species residing within the lungs (the airway microbiome) on this interaction is even less well understood. This needs to be defined to help develop targeted treatments for severe asthma with fungal sensitisation (SAFS).
We’ll identify the fungal and bacterial species residing in the lungs of different groups, including mild asthmatics, severe asthmatics and SAFS patients. We’ll then go on to investigate how key species mediate the interaction between airway immune cells and inhaled fungal spores.
We’ll collect bronchoalveolar lavage samples from patients receiving bronchoscopies at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. We’ll extract Microbial DNA from these samples and use amplicon sequencing to identify the species present. We’ll use Bioinformatic approaches to compare the airway microbiome of the different patient groups and key species will be incorporated into mechanistic experiments. We’ll assess interactions between selected species, airway immune cells and fungal spores using the in vitro lung-on-a-chip modelling system.
If the airway microbiome is found to be important in the development of SAFS, multiple avenues could be explored:
Dr Peter Cook
Dr Chris Scotton
Prof Michael Gibbons
Senior Investigator Fellow
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