Having obtained a first-class integrated Masters in Biochemistry from Lancaster University, Will started with the NIHR Exeter BRC in September 2023. His primary research area of interest is neuroimmunology; the study of the interaction between the immune and nervous systems. This drew him to apply to the PhD project, entitled ‘A new link between microbial pathogenesis and dementia: establishing the role of fungal infection in potentiating Alzheimer’s Disease risk’, primarily supervised by Dr Carolina Coelho. Through this, Will plans to explore how brain-infecting fungi, specifically Cryptococcus neoformans, can induce changes in the brain’s immune system which may trigger or enhance neurodegenerative processes associated with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Independent of his project, he maintains a keen interest in neuropharmacology and the endocannabinoid system. Both are areas he wants to incorporate into research during his career.
Research projects that William has been involved in
Clinical mycology
Understanding possible triggers of Alzheimer’s Disease to help improve treatments
News involving William
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