Lianne is a clinical academic spinal advanced practitioner physiotherapist, with an interest in improving assessment, management and diagnosis of spinal conditions. She currently works as a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Exeter and maintains a small caseload at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. She holds a post-doctoral Early Career Research Fellowship with Orthopaedic Research UK and the NIHR School for Primary Care.
Lianne is leading an NIHR-funded project to develop a prehabilitation intervention for people with lumbar spinal stenosis undergoing spinal surgery. She is an international collaborator on the RECODE-DCM incubators exploring peri-operative rehabilitation and diagnostic criteria for degenerative cervical myelopathy. She is passionate about improving patient and physiotherapy pathways to optimise care.
Lianne is the Research Officer for the Advanced Physiotherapy Practice Network, and a general committee member on the Society for Back Pain Research.
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