Showing 88 news posts
First baby receives life-saving gene therapy on NHS
A 19-month-old baby girl called Teddi has become the first child in the UK to receive a life-saving gene therapy treatment for a fatal disorder.
Exeter Professor elected as Fellow of prestigious academy for excellence in microbiology
An NIHR Exeter BRC professor whose research focuses on lung infections caused by environmental mould has been recognised by the award of elected fellowship to a prestigious international leadership group in microbiology.
Taking vitamin D could help prevent dementia, study finds
An NIHR Exeter Biomedical Research Centre supported study has found that taking vitamin D supplements may help ward off dementia.
Exeter wins £15 million NIHR funding for Westcountry’s first Biomedical Research Centre
More than £15 million in government funding will support a university-NHS partnership in setting up the Westcountry’s first Biomedical Research Centre, to translate scientific discoveries into tangible benefits for patients.