Guidance for colleagues on acknowledging and communicating Exeter BRC research
NIHR BRCs are a key part of the translational research landscape in the UK. Acknowledging National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) support helps raise the profile of BRCs, ensures NIHR support is transparent to all and helps NIHR to track the impact of its research, enabling it to evidence the value of research funding.
We are required by the NIHR to provide information on all research publications and projects produced by BRC-supported staff and students and are audited on the information provided. All written and oral research outputs must acknowledge the NIHR funding or support in full.
Please amend as appropriate and use the following acknowledgement and disclaimer:
“This study/research is funded/supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Exeter Biomedical Research Centre (BRC). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.”
Need quick access to variations on acknowledgements? Find them here
Acknowledgement guidance
Amend the text as appropriate and save this image to your desktop or download it as a PDF from the download section below
A research output is any item arising from NIHR-funded research that enters the public domain. The NIHR takes a broad definition of what constitutes a research output, including:
Read the NIHR’s guidance on research outputs
Read the updated NIHR Open Access Policy for publications submitted after 01/06/22. Changes specifically impact the expectations of studies which are 50% or more funded by the NIHR.
Read our quick NIHR Open Access Policy summary of 2022 changes.
Tell us about your publications
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As well as reporting to the NIHR on your publications we can help you to communicate your research. If you have had a research paper accepted for publication, email us with the following information and we can advise you on the next steps:
Let us know if you think this research may be of interest to the media – ideally at the point of paper acceptance as we cannot usually press release a paper after it’s published. We will assess the paper and contact you for more information and consult with you about who will lead any media activity.
Email Ysella with your questions
Want some help talking about our work? We’ve put together a one-pager of key messaging for you to download below.
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